Pen Hitting
The Boricongo Book Gang

The Boricongo Book Gang was created in 2014 as a personal response to the difficulty in finding multi-genre book lists of works by writers of color.
The mission of the Boricongo Book Gang is to honor reading as a tool of achieving personal consciousness of our realities as BIPOC. By reading works written specifically by writers of color, we achieve a stronger connection and understanding of our community and other BIPOC communities. Through this, we honor the ancestors who risked and sacrificed their lives to obtain the powerful tool of literacy.
This is not an exclusion of any reader but a direct and intentional focus on the works we read.
So...How Does It Work?
Every month, three different book choices are posted:
Boricongo Prose Book Choices:
Includes fiction, memoir, essay, YA prose, speculative fiction, etc.
Boricongo Poetry Book Choices:
Includes poetry books by authors and poetry anthologies
Boricongo Kids Book Choices:
Age range generally focuses on
Pre-K - Age 12
Quarterly-Posted Boricongo ICON Book Choices:
These books are considered iconic books in the writers of color literary canon.
The Boricongo Book Gang
Summer Instagram Book Giveaway:
Every Summer since 2020, there is an Instagram Book Giveaway, offering 10+ books written by writers of color (used or new copies), prizes, stickers, etc.